The Future of Farming in Space

- Author: Leah Garden
- Full Title: The Future of Farming in Space
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #tech
- URL:
- Orbital Farm hopes to transform terrestrial food production into a sustainable closed-loop system, making the eventual leap to space-grown produce an easy obstacle to overcome. (View Highlight)
- Orbital Farm will work to integrate the mechanizations of industrial, large-scale agriculture within a sustainable system. This includes simulating the environment to mimic space conditions, including limited access to freshwater and oxygen, as well as building and continuously testing air carbon capture systems. (View Highlight)
- Cell proliferation and differentiation act as the foundation for all muscle tissue formation, so understanding the impact that a lack of gravity has on these two processes is crucial to normalizing the practice of meat grown in space (View Highlight)
- rmation, so understanding the impact that a lack of gravity has on these (View Highlight)
- rmation, so understanding the impact that a lack of gravity has on these two processes is crucial to normalizing the practice of meat grown in space. While (View Highlight)